MMQAL: Wrap Up & Grand Prize

Hi everyone!
I can't believe this is the end!! WOW! We've had such amazing fun making this quilt together!
I just want to take a moment to thank Alexia for writing the pattern and giving so many of us inspiration. If you haven't caught up with her new endeavor, you really should take a look. She's on to great things and I can't wait to make another one of her quilts (in fact I'm working on one now)! Thanks Alexia!
I would never have done the Marcelle Medallion Quilt-Along if Danielle and Jeannette hadn't encouraged it - thanks so much girls!
Thanks also to Samantha who offered to be a prize sponsor! Thank you!!
Okay now that I've said all the thank-yous, let's see who won the GRAND PRIZE! I put everyone's names into a fabric bowl (including the commenters who missed out on the linky - sorry! I should have mentioned it was on Australian time!) the correct amount of times...
Then I visited the Tiny Blonde One during her "lunch hour"...hence all the avocado!
I asked her to choose one piece of paper.
And she did!
Congratulations to Ali of Ali Makes! Soon your excellent prize packs will be on their way to you! Just quickly, that's this fabulous bundle of fabric from Polka Dot Tea Fabrics:
And this lovely pile of goodies!!
Those will be in the post soon Ali!
Finally, some of my favorites.
I really loved every single Marcelle I saw. The fabric choices were all so different but I truly believe it is impossible to make this quilt unattractive! That said, there were a few I kept my eyeballs on as they were being made! So I went ahead and I made a mosaic of some of my favorite pictures from the Flickr Group. It's a great place to search for ideas if you're still going and there are so many great quilters still working hard on their Marcelles! I can't wait to see these all finished. (Please let me know if you want your photo removed!)
1. marcelle, 2. Finally got these darn geese on my Marcelle medallion. #mmqal #marcellemedallion, 3. Brick border, 4. Making Crosses--Marcelle Medallion, 5. Center Star - Marcelle Medallion, 6. Marcelle Medallion Quilt, Border 2, 7. Marcelle Medallion Finish, 8. CM2, 9. Marcelle medallion border 5, 10. Marcelle Medallion, 11. Marcelle Medallion- another border down!, 12. mmresize, 13. Marcelle medallion finished top, 14. 2013-10-22 16.00.00, 15. Medallion quilt / WIP, 16. marcelle medallion
Thank you so much for joining in this Quilt-Along. It has been so much fun and getting to know more fabric-hoarders quilters has been a blast!
Penny xx
Reader Comments (4)
Thanks for featuring mine! Even though it isn't finished :)
Thank the Tiny Blonde One for me! And thank you for the wonderful picture tutorials for the steps of this QAL, they were so helpful, it made it a really enjoyable experience.
I loved this quilt from when it first started popping up in blog land, but I don't think I would have been motivated to make it alone without the QAL. Thank You!! :)
Thank you Jenn for hosting this quilt along - my most favorite ever!! Congratulations Ali! What an awesome collection of quilts!