about me

this is just a quick hello, for anyone who is curious.
hi. i'm jenn.
i blog here at penny poppleton. you can call me penny; i don't mind. (it's my nom de guerre.)
i write. mostly young adult, or coming of age stories. i write stories about families that are disguised as romance. i also used to read a lot; i can recommend a reading list for you any time you like. or you can check out my goodreads.
i sew. boy, do i sew. i'm mostly a quilter though i started out dressmaking. i can make bags and cushion covers and occasionally i work on commission. i love to play with fabric, to collect and cultivate a curation of textiles. a full fabric shelf is endless possibility, to me.
i live. i reside in the suburbs of sydney, australia, with my fantastic husband and his two clones our two children, piper and owen. i'm thirty-two.
i like hyperbole. i am passionate about good coffee and social justice. i am a mermaid. my favorite series is harry potter. my favorite film is the labyrinth. i have anxiety. i don't like being idle. i will not judge your messy house.
i hope you enjoy reading about my life. it's mine and i kinda love it.
xx penny
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