Secret projects!

So I have been working hard on something, but I can't really talk about it until...well, let's just say "for a while". I don't want to give away anything just yet! It'll be the first finish of 2013 and what a hard act to follow, for sure!
But if you follow me on Instagram, you will see what I have been up to. HINT HINT.
Today was a good post day at the Poppleton house - Mr Poppleton got two very mysterious parcels, and I recieved the first of the bee blocks. This is my first bee and I am scared to death, so don't mind me while I just make a couple practice blocks on my own stash, right? Because otherwise I am certain I will destroy everything and this gorgeous collection of fabric (belonging to someone else!) will just be a pile of smoking threads in the disaster area that used to be, oh, my neighborhood. (Might be a tad hyperbolic. Perhaps.)
But on to the other things that are not so scary! I have been paper piecing. :)
The other good mail was four of the hexagon blocks from Team Di. We have a grand total of 12/49 back, and I am starting the long slow process of getting my other 9 blocks sorted. I have the hexies done, the other components cut out, and now I'm assembling the blobs. (Somehow I ended up with eleven blocks! World's slowest paper piecer. It takes me an hour and forty-five minutes to do a block start to finish. which is approximately...eternity!) But I am glad because with Lorena's blocks appearing in the post, I can lay aside the hexagons and unpack my machine, and switch it up for a bit! Besides, my poor little fingers are SO sore from piecing hexies!
But everyone's efforts are stacking up...I can't wait to see this quilt MADE!
We had our first guild meeting of 2013 last Saturday, and IT WAS AWESOME. Of course I forgot to take pictures, so I haven't blogged it yet (!) but we had nine girls and everyone loved the venue. Thanks again Viv & girls for turning up and being amazing! I can't wait until next month. Show and Tell will be awesome...some of the projects were just FABULOUS and I can't wait to see them finished!!
I have been living under a rock or something. Even though I love Mendocino, I've always been a bit "meh" about Lightning Bugs. (It's cute, but I think the jewel tones of Medocino and the merfolk speak to me a bit more). Apparently I missed out on West Hill entirely. That is, until I got a scap in a parcel from Blije Olifantje and was like "what is this mysterious and adorable fabric" and then proceeded to hunt around like a crazy person for it! So after a rather embarrassing fabric binge (cough, please do not judge, COUGH) I am done buying fabric for a while. Like, maybe until April or May. This was just my weekened of EXCESS.
What other excess, you ask?
Well, I got my hair done!
I don't usually get my hair done, because a) toddlers are wiggly and babysitting would take ages, and on weekends I like to be home with my family; b) I try not to do my hair too much, so it stays nice; and c) I have a lot of hair. No, you don't understand. When I say a LOT I mean it looks deceptively lesser but hoo boy, there's a mane there. It's fine but it's THICK. I always go over hair appointments and when stylists go to cut it, they usually stand there and just hold it for a while. "It must be so nice to have so much hair," they say, unfailingly. And I respond, "Sure, if you like blow-drying it for 45 minutes." (I don't. So I don't. And now you know why I usually look like a hobo. BEAUTY SECRETS RIGHT HERE, PEOPLE.)
So several inches came off, I have layers, a side fringe and the length stayed about the same. And oh my word. The difference it made was immediate. I feel like a new woman. Even today, with no makeup and a messy ponytail, I still feel heaps cute. So thank you, super fancy salon. It helps with the pudgy pregnancy blues for sure. :)
And baby is kicking lots more, especially when I sit down to sew. I have high hopes this one will be a cuddler (my daughter is not, to my everlasting sighs of complete understanding) but am starting to think if I have enough babies, they will form a little soccer team. Hmm. Not bad for two stay-at-home-and-fill-our-brain types, eh? :)
Time to get to cleaning my messy, messy sewing room. Egad. Does it ever need it.
Cheers, and I'll try and post again soon! xx
Reader Comments (1)
Delighted our blocks arrived safe and sound at Chez Poppleton. We've loved the process, but were very glad we only committed to 2 each. Hope your poor fingers have recovered from all that piecing :-)