thursdays are great.

Last night was my writers' group (we are called Spiders' Group) and as always, I came home feeling completely content. There are people you know, and there are people you want to know. Spiders are definitely in the latter category. Am I allowed to say this without sounding gloopy? I love them. We are weird and wonderful and we are all on such different journeys, but it is amazing that we all intersect at the written word.
Before Spiders' Group though, Sel and I ventured south of the bridge to Remnant Warehouse, where I promptly found the little Lecien Minnie Muu sailor fabric in a pink colorway! I had to get it, along with some much-coveted Lorax fabric, the rest of a bolt of a faded medallion print, and some nice Kokka linen/cotton. I also picked up a charm pack and ran my hands longingly over the quilting books. Ahh. Next time. Or when I win the lottery!
I also picked up a book on antique quilts at Kinokuniya. I love quilt books with lots of reading. It makes me happy that authors have taken the time to write something about the way their work makes them feel. This book presents some basic blocks in new ways.
Making Antique Quilts, by Rita Weiss
And, when I got home, my two brand new templates had arrived! I have a small curved dresden plate and an Elwood Rose template to play with.
This morning, Piper and I dropped Mr Poppleton off at the train and had a long, leisurely coffee. We have been trying a brand new babywearing device and I have to admit, I love it. It's much more comfortable than the sling I have been using and it puts the baby to sleep. She loves being in the face-out position too! So while Piper had her nap, I had a coffee, and afterward we went to Cottage Quiltworks and picked up a few more lovely fabrics (which you will see, of course, tomorrow). I also picked up an amazing book on 1930s quilt patterns!
Treasures from the 30s, by Nancy Mahoney
This week I have not been terribly productive, though I have gotten some work done on J5's quilt. This is what it looks like laid out. I have yet to sew the blocks together (or finalize the design) but hey! It's pretty cute!
Forgive the terrible, it's-midnight-and-I-can't-turn-the-light-on-or-I'll-wake-the-baby lighting.
Here's a slight close-up of the blocks.
Last but not least I have been playing with my charm square packs. I have two Kona "Snow" packs, two Kona "Brights" packs, and a lone Hunky Dory by Chez Moi for Moda pack, and I want to make a cot quilt or two (or five). They look so pretty all stacked up!
Tomorrow I have only one fabric-related errand to run, and then I'm going to cool my heels for the month of October, and focus on sewing what I have instead of acquiring more fabric. Fingers crossed I can stay within my own self-imposed's hoping I can resist the pull of new colors, styles, textures and prints!
I'll be back tomorrow with Fabric Friday, and I have not forgotten I promised a book review too!