WIP Wednesday

It comes around every week, and it is WIP Wednesday!!
This week is a bit strange. I have two solid quilty finishes but because they are gifts, I can't put pictures of them up! Oh well, maybe next week!
How about a sneak peek though. :)
Ha! I'm so mean. :)
I have a list of WIPs that need attention though. Let's see if I can remember all of them!
- August bee blocks (AusModBee)
- September bee blocks (IQBS)
- Prepare for October bee blocks to be sent out (my month!!) (AusModBee)
- Kat's Quilt ("Navigating by the stars") - it is stalled. I actually want to work on this while Kat is away galivanting around Europe and I am missing her horribly. It will be nice for her to come back to a finished quilt, right?
- Whitney's Swoon Quilt, AKA, the quilt that I just need to finish because I am the worst sister ever.
- Terrain challenge - I have been thinking about this one and I've decided on a simple pieced border. I just need to dig it out and sew it up!
- O quilt - It is cut out and ready to start.
- Orange & aqua quilt - same, cut out and ready to start!
My biggest WIP, for the next twelve weeks, though, is the Marcelle Medallion QAL!
I'm so excited about this. Danielle and Jeannette and I put the word out on Instagram last night and we have been overwhelmed with enthusiam and support! It looks like we're going to have a lot of quilters quilting along with us! It will be so fun to award prize packs and keep up with and encourage one another, and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
I had to start pulling fabric for my Marcelle Medallion quilt today! Here is what I came up with.
I decided to stick to a fairly cool/cold palette of navy, blue, greys, and blacks paired with cool low-volume prints. I had a lot of fun choosing certain fabrics to add to these stacks - you'll see Mirrorball Dots, Pearl Bracelets, Architextures, and Constellations in the colors, and Maze & Vale and Lila Ruby King boutique fabrics in the low-volume stack - so this will have a much more restrained feel than my original Marcelle Medallion quilt, both in color use and in sheer scrap factor!
Whew. I can't wait. :)
On the list for this week are a few little quilting tasks!
- Write up the polaroid tutorial for the Sydney Modern Quilt Guild Swap!
- Organize a little stitchy get-together for some friends for the end of September
- Sew some pouches for prizes
- Cut some charm packs for prizes!
I also have one more thing to send...a present for a friend many miles away! More details on that later, if I remember! :)
How is your Wednesday going? How are your works in progress? Be sure to link up with Lee!
Penny xx
Reader Comments (2)
I love your choice of fabrics for the QAL. Can not wait to see what you do with the pattern.
Everything that's happening here sounds like a lot of fun, from the Medallion Quilt to the secret package to all your projects. By the way, I have a Polaroid Block tutorial on my blog that Duke Says Sew What has been referring people to. It's an amalgamation of other tutorials, all in one place, if that will help you take one thing off your list of Things To Do. I've been in two swaps now, and they are a lot of fun.