The Rainbow Connection

We are one step closer to being finished with our Sydney Modern Quilt Guild group quilt. It is called The Rainbow Connection and it is from Tacha Bruecher's excellent pattern Over the Rainbow in her 2011 book Hexa-Go-Go. The pattern was used with permission and there is even a block from Tacha herself in our quilt! (It's the one with Mendocino mermaids.)
I love this quilt. It will be on display in the Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair in June, and afterward, we are hoping to sell the quilt, and donate the proceeds to charity. If you love this quilt, spread the word. (That said, if it wins any awards, it will have to travel, so it might not be up for sale for a while!)
Sel spent a good six hours quilting it today, which means we are so much closer to the finish line. We only have four things left to do (and I only have to do two of them)!
- Make a hanging sleeve
- Make a label & attach it
- Bind the quilt and attach hanging sleeve
- Send it in to the Quilters' Guild of NSW
Anyway, I made Sel pose with the quilt top. She worked so hard for us today.
And then we took photos of the top...
And the pieced back!
And now it is safely ensconsed in the boot of my car awaiting the hanging sleeve, after which, it will be given to Marilyn, who has offered to bind it for us. WHEW, and thank you Marilyn!
I have to admit, finishing the top was a huge relief for me. After last month's meeting, we had a box of sashed blocks, but I ended up just figuring it would be easier if I spent an afternoon assembling the top (rather than doling out rows and then trying to collect them). Logistically, yes it was easier...but it was more like four afternoons (including making borders) in the end. I am always glad to finish a quilt but I was really glad to see the back of this one! :)
Thank you to everyone who contributed a block, kept up with us on Instagram, or were just a part of the guild and offered moral support. It has really come together so beautifully. I (we) are so thankful to be part of such a lovely community of creative, caring, generous individuals. THANK YOU!!
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for posting the photos. It's looking fabulous. Thanks to you and Sel for all that time and effort. Looking forward to seeing it at the show.