So little time.

But that's no excuse, is there? I should be blogging. After all, I enjoy writing. I like recording my day-to-day life. It's a good record to look back on; it challenged me to think about how best to craft my words; it gives me a place to organize my many thoughts.
But (you could sense there was a 'but' coming, right?) And working. And so many things slip-sliding around in this slushy headspace we like to call baby-brain. But mostly, no sewing! (Well, hardly any. I finished up a few cut tops and am envying everyone's Scrappy Trip Around The World quilts on Instagram (hashtag #scrappytripalong) but I am not getting my rotary cutter out. No madam. I have other things to do!
Anyway, barely any sewing means no blogging, because what's a blog (like mine) without pictures? Anyway, I'll keep it brief and do a bullet point list of what we've been doing for the past month and a half!
- We got a puppy. Her name is Pancakes and she is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Piper adores her, Mr Poppleton is smitten, and I am totally over the moon. She's a funny little mate and we're glad she's a part of our family. (Now: to get her housebroken.)
- Christmas happened! It was fantastic. This year was the first year we really did our own thing. Instead of piggybacking on my in-laws' celebrations, we had Christmas Day dinner with them but really focused on our own family. I cooked a massive Christmas Eve feast, and we had Christmas Morning Breakfast Bonanza. And when Piper was in bed on Christmas Eve, we were busy looking longingly at our present piles, and made the Adult Executive Decision to open our gifts the night before Christmas. (This, guys, is why being an adult is so awesome.) I got a Nintendo 3DS XL (and the new Super Mario Bros game), the Matthew Evans deli book, a half-yard set of Constellations by Lizzy House, John Green's boxed book set, and face wash from Piper. Mr Poppleton recieved three new pairs of pyjamas, new barbecue plate and grill set, a new barbecue cover, new sunglasses, and Horrible Histories DVDs from Piper. Piper of course got a billion toys, including Duplo blocks, a pink plastic wheelbarrow, wooden blocks, a new xylophone, puzzles, books, and a doll named Ruby. It was a cold Christmas for Australia - only 15ºC and raining - I could see my breath at one point, which just kind of made my day.
- We had a "hi Kat, bye Jen" Ryan Gosling Appreciation Night at my place. There was Thai food. There was Lars and the Real Girl. There was much grumbling over my lovely Jen going back to London (before I had the chance to be a hobo/writer/annoying friend) and gratitude that Kat was in town at all from Heidelberg (on a whirlwind trip). We all had a good time. And I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I love my writing group.
- I started a new manuscript. I kind of hate it right now, but I'm a masochist, so I'm in it until the bitter end.
- We found out the sex of the baby! It's still a secret but holy smokes, I am so excited! (I think I would have been excited either way, to be honest.) I am excited for Piper to be a big sister and knowing WHAT we're having just makes Bean that one little bit realer! Plus, Bean is kicking a LOT now. It's amazing and miraculous and I really enjoy being pregnant. (After the first 14 weeks, that is...ugh!)
- I began planning a quilt as a gift. I won't say any more here, but I've got to get to work on it...sooner rather than later, too!
- I've been working on the Sydney Modern Quilt Guild blocks. I actually need to blog over there (perhaps tonight!) but for the most part, they are coming together beautifully!
And now for a few pictures.
Christmas morning haul!
My presents from lovely Mr Poppleton.
Pancakes, our little mate!
Part of this year's goals for me.
Piper enjoying a kilo of Finca coffee from Pablo & Rusty's
My first block for the Sydney Modern Quilt Guild group quilt!
Constellations by Lizzy House half yard set
Anyway, that's about it. I haven't had time to think about doing a year in review post, though I want to, and even though I'm anti-resolutions, I've been thinking about what 2013 will mean to me. (I tend to do goals on my birthday.) For now, though? I have a whole filing cabinet to fill up with a year and a half of filing, and two cupboards to empty out and clean. So I'll be busy doing least until I get tired and have to rest! Until then, au revoir!
Penny xx
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