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Secrets Revealed :)

I have a confession to make. I've already spoken about this a little bit, but... I am a recovering bossy-boots. It's a serious affliction, affecting eldest children all across the world. But! I have managed, as an adult, to hang up the bossy boots and content myself with organizing things, but one can only move her living room furniture around so many times before she has to search further afield! As luck would have it, something rather wonderful popped up and I took the opportunity with glee. WITH GLEE, PEOPLE!

I'm now helping facilitate the Sydney Modern Quilt Guild. YAY!

I've kept it quiet, mostly because I didn't start the group, but I've wanted to help for ages. Of course, I've never run a guild anything. (My writing group is hilariously informal, and we're all such good mates that all it took was a year of bookings and we were off and running. Really.) So it's a learning curve for me, but I'm so happy to be on board! Thank you Claire and Suzanne for giving me a chance to exercise my organization skills! :)

If you're Sydney-based or nearby and you're interested, head on over to the blog for details about the meetings and sit-and-sews! I'm super excited to be able to help out and get the ball rolling, and once we're all there, it'll be great to get to know everyone!

Hope to see you soon!



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