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Fabric Friday!

Well it has been a fun week! How about you guys?

Today the little Miss and I bundled up and braved the gusting winds to head across the bridge to Alexandria. If you've never been to Remnant Warehouse and you're local to Sydney, you must go. You must. This store does not know what it has. There are so many OOP fabrics and still more hard-to-find complete ranges. I dwelled. I doted. I yearned. And eventually, I found some red fabrics I liked!


I have been trying to build my red stash up. A month or so ago I noticed that I had four red fabrics. FOUR. Granted, I did gain a few more when I untied a bunch of half-yard bundles and released them into the wild, but still. I needed more. So I've been trying to only buy reds.

My stash looks healthier now, for sure!

Respectable reds

Piper is getting really good at playing by herself. She likes to know I'm near, but more often than not, when I sit down to play with her, I get a microcuddle...then she scoots off to do something more interesting! I usually end up spending these hours at the machine. Today I finished piecing the back for Sunset Swimmers.

Pieced back for Sunset Swimmers done! 107" square. Phew. :)

It's HUGE, much bigger than the actual quilt, but I am relieved to report back that once I laid it all out to pin-baste it, it fit very well. No stretching. No chopping into my precious borders!

Let the pin-basting commence!

I took advantage of Daddy being home & Piper crashing out early to pin-baste this sucker.

pin basting

I don't know why I complain about pin-basting! It's actually not that bad. Someone remind me of that next time I moan about it, will you? I was done within an hour and it's sitting next to my machine, waiting for my quilt sandwiches, wound bobbins, and test quilting. All in good time, young Padawan.

I have other projects in the works. Anyone hazard a guess what these will turn into? I posted the test block a few weeks ago... :)

new project!

And of course, a nod to my inspiration cubby! Books from some of my favorite authors (some are acquaintances now!), all my color cards, and some spiritual nudging too. Perfection, having all my books close by. I am planning a major destash of quilt books soon, because I simply have too many. I'll put the info up on Etsy once I get it all organized. Those ones, however, are firmly mine. :)

Books :)

Well, that's about it for Fabric Friday... I'll be out and about at a few local quilt shops this weekend and early next week, talking about SydMQG, so if you see me, say hi! I'm friendly. I promise.And I'm hoping to make it to the inaugral Greater Western Sydney MQG meeting, too, which is next Monday!

Have a great weekend!


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Reader Comments (1)

Hiya! It was lovely to meet you last night at GWSMQG :)

RW is great shopping, I picked up a charm pack of 1974(!) of all things in there recently! Have you done Quiltsmith yet? They're another with quite a few OOPs. Seriously, they've got half of Plume still on bolts and I saw FQs of the green wallpaper from Belle last week. Nuts! :)

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjennaappleton

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