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Sunday, planning.

It has been a very quiet week, blogging-wise, and I apologize, but my life has actually been very quiet as well! I have been trying (and not quite succeeding) at getting a few projects completed, but after last week (which was very full on) we all took a step back and just inhaled...exhaled..collapsed in a heap!

That isn't to say I did nothing all week. On the contrary. I got a shedload of grocery shopping done. I found time to write another 20,000 words. (What! CRAZY.) I cooked almost every night this week, no ordering in, which has been a bad habit left over from a) the baby being born and b) living on take-out during the renovation and our 18 hour working days. I even found time to scootch over to The Fabric Cave and Needlecraft Emporium and buy myself some vintage children's clothing patterns. (PS. I am not even kidding, but I got 20 patterns and four spools of thread for less than $15. If you don't know about Needlecraft Emporium/Fabric Cave and you live in Sydney, take heed, and get yourself down there. Good thrifting, good cause, and I always leave feeling chuffed!)

I did not have time to work on any of my projects that currently need working on. Instead I started a new one. (Nerrrr.) I began idly playing around with my 60º triangle ruler and some fabric I loved. I added a few more, and then a few more, until I had a stack I liked. Then bang, out came the rotary cutter. Whizz, slice, and voila: a whole new project to add to my list.

60° triangle ruler and a stack of orange and blue!


I have been organising and focusing a lot on my stash this past year, as you guys know, and I was surprised to see that I have mostly blue and green fabric. I was convinced I had no green, no orange, and mostly pink, but what I didn't have any of and hadn't even thought about was red.

Fabric organization

I asked Mr Poppleton for some "me time" this weekend, as I'm feeling quite overwhelmed, and he happily pushed me out the door in the direction of Craft Depot, so I cruised the aisles feeling very loved. I found some reds I adored and brought them back to be part of my stash!

I felt my stash lacked crimson. Fixed now!

I make it a point to only buy fabric I REALLY love, and I REALLY love all of those scarlets!

Well, Miss Piper is not letting me finish this so I will conclude here...but stay tuned for a hopeful little plan of the week!

Cheers, Penny xx

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