Would you believe I'm not the type to do resolutions? I know, I know. I'm so Type A it's gross. I plan everything. But resolutions don't make sense to me. I suppose because I am constantly setting (and achieving!) goals it seems like a waste to dump them all on one day. Aren't we really making those resolutions for days, months, or years before we declare them? I tried to come up with a list, and this is what it looks like:
- Take a quilting class. Just one. It is tough while breastfeeding but make it work.
- Read more books. Remember books? You like those. Read more and write more.
- Be a good leader.
Yeah. That's it. Blah. Nothing inspiring or concrete! Where's the "lose ten kilos" goal, or the "floss every day" goal? Nowhere to be seen. Because goals like that I feel free to make any time of year. If I feel chubby or unfit, I pick myself up and go to the gym. If I feel small and unkind, I do something nice for someone. I try and achieve a sense of balance in everyday life.
I suppose I sound really smug, but honestly, I was tired of feeling bad for not "achieving" goals I felt pressured to make. So this year I'm keeping it simple, and doing things I want to do anyway. As an autodidact, I live in a constant state of self-led education. This is something I wake up and decide to do every day: today I will learn something new.
Since my list of resolutions is so hazily dismal, I thought instead I would talk about what I am grateful for. When it comes down to it, 2011 was my year. Everything went well for us. We are exceptionally blessed. So I am thankful for:
- For my husband, who is kind, generous, sympathetic and intelligent
- For my daughter, who is a joy to watch unfold into the world around her
- For my Parents-in-law who have been amazingly generous and helped us to buy a house
- For our HOUSE! It is not technically ours-ours yet, but we signed and exchanged contracts!
- For my best friend, for listening and sending the right email or text at always just the right moment
- For my writing group, whose support and humor this year have made it clear I'm where I'm meant to be, doing what I'm meant to do
- For my new sewing friends, who are sharing another passion with me
- For my "mothers' group" (AKA my friend Ellen) and her baby Olive, just for being there and part of my life
- For being fortunate enough to have rent, food, and bills covered
- For the drive to work, to improve, to self-educate, and the ability to smile when things got difficult
So, 2012: BRING IT. Let's make this year even awesomer than last year!
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