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WIP Wednesday

I know I say this every week, but WHAT A WEEK. I'm so glad to get to WIP Wednesday because it gives me a minute to stop, think, assess, and BREATHE. And this week has been a week where I need to breathe.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I'm also tragically late linking up. Yikes. But more about the Britta Week* after the good stuff. PICTURES!!

I began a new project this week. My sister recently gave birth to a little girl and named her Maggie, so this is a quilt for Maggie. It's a really simple but lovely block found at Film in the Fridge, and made using some Prima White Homespun from Spotlight and leftover Sophie!

Maggie's Quilt

The blocks all look different and will look great scattered and mixed up.

Maggie's Quilt

This week I've also done a few more blocks for my in progress Garden Fence blocks and Sophie Makes Tracks blocks. My Garden Fences are all squared, but I've only done 19/49. GAH. So many more to do!

Garden Fence\

But my Sophie Makes Tracks blocks are ALL finished and so beautiful. Here are a few laid out!

Sophie Makes Track

I'm not laying them all out YET - tomorrow afternoon is my Sophie Makes Tracks day - but they look SO AMAZING. I'm glad I'm taking my time.

This little one is napping in her cot and I just LOVE it.

Piper <3

And finally, a sneak peek at a dressmaking project I'm undertaking - we'll see how we go! I picked these voiles up at Cottage Quiltworks this afternoon and, hey -- their class lists for 2012 are up! I've got my red pen out already. What to choose, what to choose!


Such silky voiles. I can't stop looking at them. Just beautiful.

So: the week of DOOM. First it was injections for the baby. (Immunizing is good!) Mr Poppleton came along as moral support and lucky thing he was there, as I'd left her blue book at home. (This is something all Australian kids get - it's their entire medical history from birth onward, including their immunization histories.) So my dear husband ran home to get it and got to the doctor just in time to see the nurse give the jabs. One stick, two stick, pouting, screaming!

I hate immunizations. She trusts me. And I let them STICK her.

After that I left my wallet in the cafe (guh) then that night, sewing, I managed to leave a friend's house and get locked in a mysterious garden you can't escape from in her apartment complex.

On top of that, Piper has been biting during feeds, my arm has begun to feel weak and tired (a common problem when you carry a 7.3kg baby around six hours a day), and I'm underslept. Mr Poppleton is having a bad week too. We are really looking forward to the weekend. It will be nice to relax a little. Life is so go-go-go right now.

How was your week? And how are your WIPs? Let me know!

Here's to a great weekend!

*Britta in Community is generally regarded as "the worst" and her name is used as a verb to mean "make a very small mistake". :)


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