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WIP Wednesday #2

I had a surprisingly productive week! Piper is getting big enough to sit in her Bumbo and "play" with Mr Stripes (she throws him on the floor, whinges, I pick him up, tsk at her, etc) while I sew or iron or cut long strips to make borders. So, despite a rocky start to the week, dragging my sore, illness-wracked frame around, I feel pretty great.

I have to apologize for the photos this week. I had every intention of going to my in-laws today to take photos of my quilt tops in their beautiful garden, but we were all three all over the place! So please forgive my yellow living room photos and bear with me!

So, WIP Wednesday, let's get the kettle on the boil!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

New Projects:

I finished the Go Anywhere Bag last week and I love it so much! It's so bright and colorful, and since me and my leaky self are stuck wearing black for the time being, it cheers me up to carry around something so bright and sweet. So I've started the 241 Tote, also from Anna at Noodlehead. I'm using Ruby Star Rising radios and Echino Spots for this one, with a sweet lining of Sherbert Pips scooters in blue.

241 Tote

I've also started planning the carseat quilt I'm making for Piper. I'm using the circular form from a kaleidoscope quilt and I'll round out the edges with binding. I'm just working out colorways. I'll be excited for Piper to have warm little tootsies during car rides!

Ongoing Projects:

Both A Walk in the Woods and Ultraviolet quilt tops were finished this week (hurrah!), but only Ultraviolet got a batting/backing. I love the pop of red in this quilt and I can't wait to get stuck into hand-quilting!

Ultraviolet quilt

A Walk in the Woods needs a few more finishing touches before I bat and back it, namely these sweet little fabric yo-yos.

Cup of Yo-Yos

I love the way the quilt looks though, and I wish I had a good enough picture of it all spread out. It's enormous (96"square, and that was with a REDUCTION in size) so you'll just have to be content with a corner.

A Walk in the Woods

Finished Projects:

I made a dress for Baby Olive! I am making her another one, to match Piper (because they are going to be best friends!) and a quilt that is Olive-specific, so I've got a few more projects to get stuck into before I wrap it up and deliver it to Ellen & Joel. I'm so stoked to be making them a girl-specific gift set, and it's even more challenging because I am trying to avoid pink! So hard for me. I love pink.

Olive's Dress

No Progress:

I do not want to talk about the Happy Camper squares that are from JUNE that I haven't even sashed yet. Seriously. Denial!


For the rest of the week, I plan to spend a bit of time hand-sewing. I've also begun mulling over Christmas present ideas, especially for my sisters who aren't getting quilts this year. (Sorry J2 and J4! I have ideas but no tiiiiiime!) I still want to do mainly handmade, so we'll see how we go. I'm really excited though. Giving presents is one of my favorite things in the world!

I'll leave you with a picture of my new sewing-stuff pouch. I like to cram all my bits and pieces in this little zip pounch and stick it in my handbag, so I always know I've got something to do with my hands! It's such a sweet little bag.

Sew what?

I hope you all enjoy your WIP Wednesday and I'll catch you next time!

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Reader Comments (2)

I just love all of your fabric choices! What amazing color.


October 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMary

I love your ultraviolet quilt - so bright and happy!

October 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitzi

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