red letter days / spring carnivals

It's nice to send a quilt out once in a while. I had a goal of sending out no more than five to be quilted in 2014 and I think I only sent out two or three. :)
That said, this is my Red Letter Day quilt. (My post on the class can be found here.) As I took the class with Jeannette, I wanted her very much to quilt it!
She quilted in a simple cable pattern, one I like a lot - I'll be sure to ask for it again. Thanks Jeannette!
This 68" square quilt was never going to stay with us - it was always meant to go off into the world. It has been gifted and I'm glad to say, happily recieved!
I keep trying to crowbar in the time to get the kids' room fixed up. It needs painting and the wardrobes fixed to the walls. And then they can move in. I did finally finish their twin quilt tops!
I used the two colorways from Eloise Renouf's Bark and Branch line from Cloud9. I've been hoarding it since it came out for exactly this. When Piper was a tiny little thing I bought cloud artwork from Eloise Renouf and had it professionally framed, and it just so happens to match this fabric range perfectly!
I am hoping to paint their room soon. It will be a warm, medium grey. Good for sleeping and reflecting. (Toddlers have busy days.)
Unfortunately for my house and family, I have been hit by the WRITING BUG. 30K on a new project, the week before Christmas, too. No wonder everything is in disorder and I can't remember what day it is. :)
Luckily my mailbox has been nice and full. Look at all these beautiful bee blocks! Thanks everyone! I know there are more coming but these just tickle me pink. :)
And writing hasn't stopped me from digging out my paper pieces box and whipping up a little Spring Carnival goodness. There is a pattern here but I just did it based off pictures with the pieces I had.
I'm finally using my washi fabric! It's so beautiful. This is just set out - not stitched together - that will come later!
Hope your week leading up to Christmas is fun filled. Enjoy the holiday!
Penny x