Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at 9:24PM
Penny Poppleton

So: we exchanged contracts tonight. No shenanigans, just the civil swapping of a few bits of paper, including a bank cheque and lots of things with signatures.

But in 42 days (or less!), this is ours.

home sweet hopeful.

Is that a jacaranda tree in the front yard? Why yes it is! There is a venerable old one in the backyard, too, under a horrid thicket of some sort of scrubby ivy-eaten bush I plan to get rid of. Look at that sweet little walkway. And those gorgeous agapanthus. Was this place made for me, or what?

But it needs work. Lucky for us, under that carpet and lino there is a beautiful cypress floor. All we need to do is polish it up and we have a glorious floor.

This is looking into the kitchen and beyond, the dining room. Mr Poppleton and Piper are checking things out.

living room through

The fireplace worked but was bricked up because the previous owner got scared when a critter scampered down into her living room!

The kitchen is quite poky. And those green walls? Evil, evil asbestos. It's all coming off, which is a shame, because I thought I might reuse those cabinets. But the evil evil asbestos means we're chucking the whole room out. But! I get a new one. Hello, Ikea!

poky kitchen

Kettle not included.

This is the view out the back garden from the "dining room" (actually my sewing room and Mr Poppleton's study). Look! I have a Hills Hoist! And my backyard neighbor has chickens and there is a perfect purple splash of jacaranda just there. The huge sweetgum is a bonus too -- I can't wait to see it in autumn.

back garden

So this is it. I have so much work to do, which might mean this blog becomes a renovation blog while I sort out tradesmen and kitchens and bathrooms and laundry rooms and floors and painting and everything else including the kitchen sink! Hopefully I'll still get time to sew. I did make something this week, at long last - a handbag!


I got the pattern from Joel Dewberry - the Inflight Hobo bag. I added ruffles instead of piping and it looks so sweet in the Lark fabrics from Amy Butler. I'm quite pleased with it!

Off to snuggle with my family, and dream of bathroom tiles...yikes haha!

Article originally appeared on write / sew / live (
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